The Four Ways We Acquire Trauma According to SMGI®

Direct experience: Any experience anytime from conception forward, that’s perceived as overwhelmingly dangerous, or life-threatening, where we weren’t able to take an action to make it stop, be finished or complete. Done. Over. Survived - stored in the mind/body system.

Empathic absorption: Feeling the unstable, chaotic, incoherent emotions and energies of those we rely on for survival, care and loving connection. Most typically parents/caregivers. The younger and more empathic we are, the harder to differentiate what’s ours and not ours.

Ancestral inheritance: Just like a baby chick knows how to get out of its egg without any instruction, we’re born with inherited information in us. Some of it helpful, some not. Different bodies of research show how our ancestors’ unresolved psychological issues can become our biological issues. Good news is that whatever is in us, we have the power to change.

Soul’s history: If your soul has a history of experiences before entering this life, and if any of those were on this planet, chances are that you came into your mother’s womb with unfinished business to resolve and traumas to heal; and to turn into something good. Not too distant history on this planet has been rife with widespread harsh and violating experiences - with things like the Inquisition lasting 300 years. Even those in high positions of “power” were easily extinguished when the next regime annihilated them.


What Makes Trauma According to SMGI®


SMGI®: What’s the difference?