What Makes Trauma According to SMGI®

Trauma can be any - ANY experience that overwhelms. 

Whenever we experience overwhelm, to our mind/body system, it reads as life-threatening to our nervous system.  Think Tsunami.  Swept up, powerless, helpless, and probably gonna die. 

Trauma can be healed. The activations from past unhealed, unresolved, incomplete experiences, called “Post-Traumatic-Stress” (PTS) can be put to rest; brought to peace, completed with the steps in SMGI®.

When it comes to trauma, “facts” don’t matter. Perception, held in the body, is key.  A loud sneeze to a sensitive infant could be perceived and held in the system as unrelieved life-threatening danger.  Parents arguing over a baby’s exposed genitals during a diaper change, could be perceived as sexual penetration by the infant powerless to get away from and moderate the violent energies.

So the facts of the event don’t make trauma, but the perception connected to powerlessness, helplessness, and survival threat, held in the mind/body system do. Like a scary movie stuck on repeat that you don’t know how to make stop; don’t know how to get away from. So naturally we ingeniously find ways to soothe the torment so we can keep going.  

This work isn’t about kicking a crutch away from a wounded one, but about eliminating the need for the crutch through the healing that comes with 1) Connecting to Resources, 2) Clearing Clutter, and 3) Retrieving Fragments. The three streams of SMGI®.


How’s SMGI® Different Than Hypnotherapy?


The Four Ways We Acquire Trauma According to SMGI®