Quick, Easy MEDITATION That Works.

Welcome to Daily Bread my Friends and Beautiful Humans - where we’re engaging simple, powerful things you can do now, to move through and bless this time of change. Three simple, powerful things we can do to help ourselves, our loved ones and all of humanity are:




Today I invite you to experiment with a an easy, kind of MEDITATION that you can do anytime, anywhere, eyes open or closed: It’s ancient, easy, effective and yummy.

So with your eyes open or closed, whichever’s more comfortable for you, imagine a space between your thoughts, and just notice what the space between your thoughts is like.

Immerse your attention in the space between your thoughts, noticing details about the space between your thoughts. 

Whatever you are noticing about the space between your thoughts, just allow your attention to be absorbed in it.

And as you absorb your attention in the space between your thoughts, notice how your body responds.

Notice any good feelings that are activated in your body as you absorb your attention in the space between your thoughts.

Allow yourself, and give yourself permission to enjoy any good feelings you may be noticing, whether a sense of calm, peace, pleasure, ecstasy even.

Whatever you are noticing about how your body responds as you immerse your attention in the space between your thoughts, just enjoy it.

If it’s to be it’s up to We.

May you feel love flowing through you and to you.


How to Add CONTEMPLATION to Your Practice.


How to PRAY - Easy, Quick, for Reals.