How to Add CONTEMPLATION to Your Practice.

Welcome to daily bread, my friends and fellow beautiful humans - where you can explore simple, powerful mind-body self care tips that make a big difference in a little time.

Three simple, powerful things that we can do to help ourselves our loved ones and all of humanity are prayer, contemplation, and meditation, or prayer, meditation and contemplation.

Today. I want to talk about contemplation, contemplation, simply being time to contemplate. So, what that looks like for me is sometime to just stare into space and be receptive to what comes up. It's a really valuable way to allow what wants to be known by you, be known to you, from inside of you, from your subconscious, your unconscious, from your soul.

Just give yourself space, to sit quietly and be receptive. And then, with and intentional kind of receptivity - you're intending to simply be receptive to what wants to be known to you, by you, and for you - that's important or beneficial to you in some way. This can be done when you're out on a walk or, any time that you have time and space to be without doing anything.

However, it's really, really wonderful to add it to your prayer and meditation practice. Your prayer meditation and contemplation practice doesn’t have to be in a specific order.

Contemplation for me, is often just a kind of staring into space, and it can look like, in the morning when I'm in that stupor between waking up and being fully awake.

Oftentimes when you are in contemplation, things will come up into your awareness that will be particularly helpful. Though we might not always know how or why as they come up, if we will just practice being present to what comes up, that wants to be known to us, by us, and for us, we’ll find that we'll sometimes remember things from years ago and realize, oh, wow, I'm still holding stuff against that person and that person, and that person, and that person, oh, geez, help. Help me let that go.

Just note whatever comes up into your awareness. It might be ideas, it might be things to add to your to-do list. Jot those things down, keep paper and something to write with beside you and write that stuff down as it comes into your awareness and be receptive to what wants to be known to you, by you and for you.

Contemplation is very easy. Just sit, stare into space and be receptive to what wants to be known to you, by you, and for you.

If you will do this daily, adding it to your prayer and meditation practice, whether you spend seconds or minutes on it, your life will be better. And your community will be blessed by the betterment that you create in your life.

If it's to be it's up to be it’s up to We.

May you feel love flowing through you and to you.


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Quick, Easy MEDITATION That Works.