Who’s Sue?


I’m Sue, an SMGI® Guide Trainee, helping sexual, religious and emotional abuse survivors to heal.

Meet Sue.

Hi, I’m Sue Batey, and I’m training to be and SMGI® Guide while I mother 6 kids.

I’ve gone through a lot of different kinds of trauma and got a lot of relief and healing with SMGI®. I have a lot of experience with molest issues and violent parents, and have healed a lot in those areas.

Because I’ve had trauma and anxiety from sexual, religious and emotional abuse, and have healed a lot, I’m here to help others who’ve gone through similar experiences.

I’m here to help you heal.

Call Me at 209-581-4286

What people are saying.


“Sue guides really well while being connected to her intuition.”

— Jean-Pierre, Mill Valley, CA

“Sue gave me the time to really dive into each inner experience and followed my journey closely and sensitively.”

— Regina, San Rafael, CA

“Sue’s non-judgmental, caring approach brought a refreshing experience for this journey, and fondness for our time together.”

— Michelle, Sausalito, CA

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.