Who’s Kellie?


I’m Kellie Murphy, SMGI® Practitioner and Certified Addictions Counselor. I help people connect to their Most Complete Inner Wisdom so they can change habits, build self-esteem improve relationships and find purpose and prosperity in their lives.

Kelle Murphy, SMGI® Guide welcomes you!

Meet Kellie.

Hi, My name is Kellie. As an SMGI® Practitioner and Certified Addictions Counselor, I specialize in helping people who struggle with addictions. I have helped a number of people overcome their dependence on alcohol, substances, tobacco, gambling, over-eating, and eating disorders.

As a woman in recovery, I know firsthand what it's like to be held captive to a substance and then later food. I have successfully developed skills that helped me break free and I want to share those with you.

My personal experience with SMGI® resulted in removing limiting beliefs, healing childhood traumas and identifying why I drank and how to quit. You see, I believe addiction is the symptom of something unfulfilled in us. Through SMGI® and practical skills training, you will learn to combat triggers, cravings and relapses.

I became an SMGI® Practitioner so I could bring this life changing modality to my clients. Talk therapy can only take us so far. Our most complete inner wisdom knows what we need and how to get it.

My clients have reported tangible results such as: freedom from their addiction, improved relationships, clarity of purpose, a sense of calm and contentment.

You’ll build confidence and learn to believe in yourself. In your quiet moments, your most complete inner wisdom is whispering for change. I can help you access that inner wisdom to make lasting change, not just another quick fix that ultimately fails.

If you desire to change your life and break free from whatever has you stuck, I can help. My story is not uncommon, but my years of continued sobriety and weight management are unique.

You too can find yourself - that one you know is in there waiting to break free.

If you want to be free, let me help you find the key. The key to a life of freedom, well-being and happiness.

Reach out for a free 20 minute consultation where we can see if we are a good fit to work together. I look forward to meeting you!

Visit my website to learn more about me, my work, and the kinds of results others have gotten in their work with me; or reach out to schedule a free 20 minute phone chat to assess if this work is a good fit for you at this time.

Call me at (530) 518-5511

Kellie Murphy

What people are saying.


“Kellie is confident, authoritative and enthusiastic as a guide. I can see how that might help clients by starting them on a positive note and providing them hope.”

— Sanjeev, PALO ALTO, CA

“I really loved that Kellie was equally as curious about what was going on with my visions as I was.”

— Paula, PEORIA, AS

“Kellie's compassion for the journeyer is palpable in the way she talks and interacts with you. Her tone of voice and calming demeanor makes you comfortable right away. You can sense her strong desire for you as the journeyer, to have the best outcome in your session.”

— Melissa, MODESTO, CA

“My experience with Kellie as a guide, left me feeling safe, confident and supported. I was able to achieve my goals and intentions.  Kellie is gentle and patient. Kellie was able to put me at ease. She guided me to discover parts of myself in a rich and deeply moving journey.  My perspectives on these aspects of myself changed from anxiety provoking to love and wholeness. She was patient and let the process unfold on its own, in doing so I was able to truly access my inner guidance and found what needed to happen. Now I am working to have a friendly relationship with myself rather be at odds as I always was. My work with Kellie has made a big change in my perspective!”


“Kellie was so thorough and present during my journey, that it helped me connect to some deep truths.”

— Jean-Pierre, MILL VALLEY, CA

Reach out to explore how you can get more connected to your inner powers, clear away what impedes you, and feel more whole, free and peaceful.